Second COVID vaccine!  17/06/21

Got my 2nd vaccination today, 7.5 weeks after the first. I was ready to plead special circumstances, because it was supposed to be a 12-week gap. But checked online before I went and they are now inviting people to come after only 8 weeks for their second jab. So was no big issue – I was just 4 days early. Once again, was very efficient. Took 30 minutes, including the 15 minute wait after being jabbed.

Antigua currently has zero active cases of Covid. In total, it has had 1,263 cases, including 42 deaths. So incidence has been pretty low, given a population of over 90,000. This has probably encouraged people not to get bother getting vaccinated. As I’ve noted before, conspiracy theories related to the vaccine are common too. With 35,000 first vaccines delivered, it looks like just under half of the over-18 population has had a vaccine; 24,000 of those have had their second shot. Twenty-four thousand and one, counting me!

The government has been trying: today I was handed a special lottery ticket for anyone getting a jab between June 7th and 30th! The prize is 8,000 square feet of land for residential purposes. I would feel terrible if I won! Would have to find a suitable charity to donate it to…

But that pretty much sums up Antigua – it feels like a very inclusive place. The atmosphere is relaxed, easygoing and polite. Coming back in 3 weeks ago, the lady at immigration stamped my passport and said you have 90 days. If you want to stay longer, just come back and I’ll give you another 90 days! Quite extraordinary. I shall be sad to leave.